Local Government & Planning

The legal problems that face local government are many and varied. Whether it is advising on a procurement exercise or on a housing matter, prosecuting a trading standards case or a planning enforcement matter or dealing with a more traditional question of administrative law, the Public Law Team at 30 Park Place is ideally placed to help.

30 Park Place member Rhodri Williams KC was involved in the leading case on local government powers before the Court of Appeal in Brent LBC-v-Risk Management Partners Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 490, dealing with vires under the Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000.

The Team is happy to assist early on in the decision making process with advice on the legality of options under consideration, with a view to avoiding litigation, as well as offering representation should a dispute reach the Courts.

A number of our members are experienced in planning matters, having acted in inquiries and also in prosecuting enforcement cases, having acted on behalf of individuals, local authorities and the Welsh Assembly Government. We also offer expertise in advising on, and appearing in, Town and Village Green applications, having appeared in the leading case of BDW Trading Ltd (t/a Barratt Homes)-v-Merton Green Action Group [2011] EWHC.

Team Members: Local Government & Planning